Thursday, June 15, 2006

Some recent work

I've gotten a few LO's done lately that I've liked. Here they are!

I got hooked on the Wild Asparagus papers after doing all the work for the DT call! I'd only used it once before... now I can't seem to stop! :)

This "Content" LO was done for my LSS's Scrapbook Idol Contest and is due tomorrow. Here's hoping... right?

The second one... "Lemonade" was done as a DT assignment. The challenge was "Refreshing"... and what is more refreshing than Lemonade!?

Well... 2 more days until the results are posted regarding the MME design team. Boy would that be nice. A girl can dream, right?

Then, Magestical Memories announces on the 20th I think... and Hambly Screen Prints on July 1st.

I'm not looking for more DT work on websites necessarily, but the Manufacturers... that's my goal! I need to get submitting more to the mags though... as that is a big asset to them!

Anyway... off I go to create!

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